
Android color ui picker
Android color ui picker

android color ui picker

?attr/textAppearanceHeadline2 defaults to light 60sp text.?attr/textAppearanceHeadline1 defaults to light 96sp text.

android color ui picker

Android color ui picker generator#

Check out the Material type scale generator to help generate a scale for different fonts. Material defines a type scale - a discrete set of text styles that you should use throughout your app, each of which is provided as a theme attribute which can be set as a textAppearance. ?attr/dividerHorizontal A drawable that may be used as a horizontal divider between visual elements.?attr/dividerVertical A drawable that may be used as a vertical divider between visual elements.?attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless An unbounded ripple.?attr/selectableItemBackground A ripple/highlight for interactive items (also handy for foregrounds!!).?attr/actionBarSize The height of a toolbar.?attr/listPreferredItemHeight Standard (min) height for list items.?android:attr/textColorSecondary Secondary text color.?android:attr/textColorPrimary The most prominent text color.?attr/colorControlHighlight The color applied to control highlights (e.g.?attr/colorControlActivated The color applied to icons/controls in their activated state (e.g.?attr/colorControlNormal The color applied to icons/controls in their normal state.?attr/colorError A color for displaying errors.?attr/colorPrimarySurface switches between colorPrimary in the Light themes, colorSurface in the Dark theme.?android:attr/colorBackground The background for the screen.?attr/colorSurface A color for surfaces of components, such as cards, sheets, and menus.?attr/colorVariant An alternate shade of the given color.?attr/colorOn A color which contrasts against the named color.?attr/colorSecondary The secondary branding color for the app, usually a bright complement to the primary branding color.?attr/colorPrimary The primary branding color for the app.

Android color ui picker